Initial Credit Line Optimization for SB Lender

Background: AQN recommended increases to Initial Credit Limits (ICL’s) by identifying specific customer sub-segments that would generate higher Risk Adjusted Revenues (RAR) when offered larger credit lines

Outcome: AQN's recommendation to shift to higher ICLs in targeted segments will generate $1.32MM incremental NPV annually

AQN’s Approach:

  • AQN evaluated the client’s ICL assignment policy along current policy axes – an internal risk model score and estimated business revenue

  • Identified specific customer segments which were being offered very low lines inconsistent with their risk profile and were driving adverse usage

  • AQN then estimated the impacts to multiple expected customer performance assumptions including draw utilization and charge off rates

  • Leveraging a RAR model that AQN had previously built for the client, we identified specific sub-segments for which we believed increasing ICL exposure would generate incremental RAR

    • Recommended ICL increases for ~17% of booked accounts, with more drastic line increases in segments where low risk customers were receiving drastically undersized lines

Key Results: